

澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版 has identified a need for a fund to support small businesses and existing building owners in improving the built environment within the four village centers of 澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版.  This fund will assist with façade improvements to improve the pedestrian environment and promote continued investment within the Downtowns.  The funding will be used to leverage private investment in existing buildings with a preference for projects that improve the overall main street streetscape. 通过这个基金, the 县 will welcome applications for façade projects that will result in a highly visible transformation to the exterior of the building. 


This program is funded by the 澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版 Legislature and administered by the 澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版经济发展伙伴关系. 关于这个项目的问题可以直接问:
Kerri Green,高级经济师 & 社区发展专家| (607)210-6362 | kerri@arbitrosdecostarica.net


  1. A commercial or mixed-use property within one-half mile of the business district of the Village of Burdett, Montour瀑布, 敖德萨, 或沃特金斯峡谷. 

  2. 该物业必须是现有的商业或混合用途建筑. 单户、两户和多户住宅不符合条件. 

  3. 财产必须投保责任保险和灾害保险. Hazard insurance must be sufficient to cover any outstanding loans on the property and the total amount of grant funds provided.



Program Awardee[s] must be the owner of the property or the tenant of the building with the property owner's written approval.  

  1. 业主必须与所有村庄保持联系, 县, 获奖者在各自城市拥有的所有财产的学校税. 

  2. 获奖者必须同意提供至少50%的匹配他们的项目成本. 最低奖助金为5,000美元,最高奖助金为25,000美元.

  3. The property owner must have the ability/financial capacity to secure matching funds for the project and must provide proof that such funds are available for the specific project. The property owner must verify approval of a loan or availability of cash equal to the project cost. 所有项目资金仅在项目完成时通过报销提供. 因此, Awardees must also have the ability to provide financing for the entire project until reimbursement is provided, 通常在项目完成后60天内. 

  4. The property must have a current business operating within the building or a signed contract for a future business when payment reimbursement is requested. 

  5. 在沃特金斯格伦村, NYS-approved Downtown Revitalization Initiative [DRI] Projects are not eligible for additional funding. 

  6. 项目必须在协议完全执行之日起一年内完成. 



  1. 一般外墙改善和外部结构维修. 

    • 这些工作可能包括, 但不一定限于, 绘画, 标志, 遮雨篷, 通往店面入口的无障碍通道, 木工修理, 砌体修复和重新定位, 店面和建筑檐口的维修和/或修复, 窗口修理, 屋顶维修[不适用平屋顶], 人行道改善和其他视觉改善. 从公共路权上可以清楚地看到所有立面工程. Repairs to the rear façade of buildings are only eligible if such facades face a public parking lot, 公共人行道, 或者其他公共场所.

  2. 与设计和工程有关的费用最高可报销2美元,这些费用的500或50%, 取较小者.



  1. 现有债务的再融资和支付临时融资产生的利息.

  2. 支付或补偿参加者的实物劳动.

  3. 支付任何销售税.

  4. 资金不得用于现场工作或财产的辅助活动, 包括化粪池系统或侧边, 分级, 停车场, 景观, 栅栏, 或者一般维护. 

  5. 有什么工作, 委员会认为, is inconsistent with the character of the Downtown Area or that is otherwise reasonably objectionable to the local municipality. 



  1. All awardees will be required to seek two competitive bids for each separate construction project or professional service to establish the reasonableness of project 成本 [or a quote from a pre-qualified contractor – list available from 作用域]. 必须有一个明确的,书面的工作范围的项目,为投标或报价寻求. 所有投标人必须有平等的机会获得相关信息, 包括房产本身的信息. 这个过程不应该有勾结或恐吓, and 作用域 will exercise appropriate oversight over the entire process to ensure that it is fair and efficient and avoids actual and perceived conflicts of interest. 如果受奖人选择了最低投标者以外的承包商, 报销将根据最低出价的金额. 

  2. 任何被选中的承包商也将被要求提供适当保险的证明, 包括但不限于一般责任和工人赔偿. 

  3. 业主不被排除在完成其物业的修复工程之外. 实物劳动不符合报销条件. 作用域 nor 澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版 is responsible for 损害赔偿 incurred as a result of property owners completing their own work. 





县和地方自治市保留检查或审计正在进行的工作的权利, 在任何时候, 监测项目的总体进展情况和对基金组织规则的遵守情况. 除了, the local Code Enforcement Officer will perform periodic inspections of renovation/construction activities in accordance with NYS Building Codes.



在支付最后一笔款项之前,需要进行最后一次检查. The local Code Enforcement Officer and the property owner will all verify that the work was completed properly and is consistent with the contracted scope of work. 



  1. 获奖者负责项目前期的总成本. Grants will reimburse Awardees at the conclusion of the project after all 成本 of the project are paid, 并提供了适当的文档. 获奖者应留出大约六十[60]天的报销处理时间. 

  2. 获奖者将提交反映承包商名称的项目发票, 完成的工作, 以及发票金额. 相应的已兑现支票, 钱的订单, 还需要这些发票的信用卡收据.                         恕不接受现金付款. 获奖者有责任维护并提供所有所需的文件. 

  3. Reimbursement is subject to the execution of a final Building Inspection and Certificate of Completion.



县官员或雇员拥有的企业和/或财产, 或者他或她的配偶, 小的孩子, and/or domestic 合作伙伴 are ineligible for this program in order to ensure there is no conflict of interest in the administration of this program. 就本节而言, 企业或财产的所有权应被视为包括任何所有者, 联合租户, 共有人, 整体承租人, 合作伙伴, 澳门新京娱乐官方网页版, 导演, 官, 管理就业, 和/或拥有或控制该企业5%以上的流通股.  Applicants will be required to complete a 利益冲突 Disclosure Form to determine if a conflict of interest exists. 如果对是否存在利益冲突存在疑问或歧义, 澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版检察官将向项目管理部门提出最终建议.



每位获奖者将被要求提交, 作为奖励的条件, 令人满意的综合保险,列出了澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版及其官员的名字, 员工, 代理人(集体), 和澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版经济发展伙伴关系及其官员, 员工, 代理人(集体), 作用域] as Additional Insured in connection with the work being performed pursuant to the program guidelines and requirements of the Fund. 不受受保人提供或维持的任何保险单的限制, 应当保护, 赔偿县和作用域免受所有索赔, 行动, 西装, 负债, 损害赔偿, 奖, 成本, 和expenses(包括, 但不限于, attorneys' fees) of every nature and description arising out of or related to the work being performed pursuant to the program guidelines and requirements of the Fund, 或由任何行为引起或引起的, 遗漏, 或者是我的疏忽,警官, 员工, 志愿者, 或在施工期间代理.



  1. 这是一笔可偿还的补助金, 即所有款项必须由获资助人缴付,并向作用域申请发还. 因此,受助人必须确保整个项目的资金. 收款人负责所有的金融交易和支付. 

  2. Owners must keep records of all invoices and payment receipts and submit them to 作用域 at the end of the project. 如果不这样做,将导致延迟或拒绝报销请求. 付款收据的格式可以是取消的支票,也可以是修改过的信用卡银行对账单. 

  3. The reimbursement is paid after a final inspection has been completed and a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued.

  4. Owners must perform their own due diligence regarding the contractor’s capability of performing the approved scope of work. 作用域 and 澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版 are not held accountable to work performance and quality of the owner-selected contractors. 可能会有业主和承包商之间的纠纷, 作用域和澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版将不担任任何形式的调解人的角色. 

  5. 承包商必须列出适用范围, 澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版, 财产所有人在其保险凭证上作为附加被保险人. 一般责任保险和工人赔偿是必需的. 

  6. 业主是其批准项目的项目经理. 作用域 and 澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版 do not perform day-to-day management and oversight during the project construction period. 

  7. 批准的工作范围是最终的. 对工作范围的任何修改都可能导致延迟或拒绝报销. 


项目评估 & R主修金融学 

Each project will be reviewed by the 澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版 Main Street Improvement Fund Review Committee made up of representatives from the 澳门棋牌娱乐官方网页版 CDNR Committee, 县管理员, 规划部门, 作用域. Projects will be selected based on the impact their project will have on the Main Street environment.  



  • 准备就绪-提案包括准备就绪的证明,如签署的租约/所有权证明, 证明项目100%资金到位的文件, 等. 如果任何建筑/工程服务已经完成或启动. 目前的建筑服务投标证明. [最多40分]. 

  • 实际影响-完成的项目将是一个非常明显的转变, 该建筑在街区或社区中很突出, 正在改造的商业单位数量(最多30个单位). 

  • 经济影响-超过最低匹配杠杆, 通过改善建筑外观使物业“重新上线”的项目. [最多30分]. 

  • 以下项目可获额外加分:

    1. 与其他项目同址[最多10个项目]

    2. 强化标识[最多10点]
